Durango Diner on Denver7 news!
We were on Denver7 news. Who saw us? Amazing what the #barstoolfund is accomplishing by helping so many small businesses. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/durango-diner-boosted-barstool-fund-001707798.html
Barstool Sports Select Durango Diner for Biz Relief Fund
Our hearts can’t thank David Portnoy - El Presidente and the Barstool Sports Fund enough for saving small businesses around the country. The shutdown of 2020 has brought most small businesses to the breaking point and Barstool Sports has stepped up to answer the call that our small businesses need. Support your local small businesses, they need your help. If you can’t visit local small businesses then, please donate to this incredible fund www.barstoolsports.com/the-barstool-fund. Again, thank you so much Dave for saving us and other small businesses. #Barstoolfund
WE'RE OPEN! Starting Thursday, May 28th
Since the government entities did not issue a public health order "allowing" us to open for dine-in meals tomorrow, we hope to see you on Thursday.
Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, May 27th, we will be open for dine-in. Hours are Monday-Saturday 6am-2pm and Sunday 6am-1pm.
Who needs "THE CURE"? We have missed you!
Durango Diner is opening this week for pickup only on selected days. Opening Thursday, May 21st - Monday, May 25th from 7am-1pm.
Call to place your order (970) 247-9889